Hiya Skeleton Crew,
HAPPY 2025 YOUSE GUYS!!!!!!!!
Ah jeez, it’s been a minute, ain’t it? Well GET READY ’cause Mr. Skeleton’s back in your inbox with his famous trivia goodies!
Answers to Last Time
If ya cast yer mind way way waaaaay back to last month, ya might remember I asked ya the name a’ the band that was founded by Maurice White. Y’know, the one that used to be named The Salty Peppers? Remember?? Well, that band was Earth, Wind, & Fire.
I also asked ya the word that chess-heads use for a particularly boneheaded move. That’d be a blunder.
Today’s Trivias
Trivia 1
In 1984, a couple a’ fellas named Maurizio Bassi ’n’ Jimmy McShane started up a li’l band that went on to score a minor hit with the song “Tarzan Boy”. But contrary to what the band’s name might make ya think, these two guys didn’t meet in a neighborhood like Fell’s Point or Locust Point or Pigtown ... nah, they were founded in Milan, Italy!
Apparently they got their name when Mr. McShane got out a map a’ the U.S. one day ’n’ closed his eyes ’n’ pointed at random to a place on the map. What city did his finger land on?
Trivia 2
In 1915, a writer named Violet Pearn wrote a play for kiddos based offa the book A Prisoner in Fairyland. That book was written by a guy named Algernon Blackwood1 ’n’ the play had some incidental music written by a relatively more famous guy, Mr. Sir Edward Elgar.2
The folks at the Elgar enthusiast site elgar.org describe the plot a’ the play like so:
A family of children, trapped in the oppressive world of adults, forms a secret society whose members collect stardust and live in star caves. The seek to rescue their parents from an earthly existence and eventually succeed, taking them also to a star cave.
None a’ the above has ANYTHIN’ WHATSOEVER to do (as far as I can tell) with a certain musical that rolled onto the scene nearly 70 years later. But yet somehow, they’ve both got the same title! Can ya tell me what’s the shared title?
OK then
He’s not, like, a SUPER famous guy, but it’s possible ya mighta heard the name ’cause he wrote some weird stories back in the day, ya could think a’ him as kinda like maybe a precursor to H.P. Lovecraft.
Who if ya don’t know the name he’s the guy who wrote that “Pomp and Circumstance” march they play at graduations.