Hiya Skeleton Crew,
Just wanna give youse guys a heads up that on Wednesday we’re gonna be havin’ a GUEST POST!!!! From friend-a’-the-Trivia-Zone Adam over at Scalesia, which is another Substack newsletter ya can subscribe to.
The guest trivias’ll count just like normal for the leaderboard, really the only difference is that the fella writin’ the trivias is different from usual. But it’ll still be great! So that’s good.
Oh, also, I’ll be writin’ a guest post for Mr. Adam over at HIS newsletter on Wednesday! It’s gonna be kinda like a trivia swaparoo situation. So I guess what I’m sayin’ is ya could maybe subscribe to Scalesia if ya want even MORE trivia fun in your day!! Think about it, anyways!!!
Answers to Last Time
Apparently kelp is a kind of protist, which is kinda wild! I thought it was just a plant. But nope! It’s a protist.
Mr. Bernhard Riemann hypothesized that the real part of every nontrivial zero of his zeta function is 1/2. What does that mean? I’ll leave it to youse guys to figure that out!
Today’s Trivias
Trivia 1
I was readin’ ’bout this game called Genshin Impact the other day, apparently it’s somethin’ the kids are into? I dunno! But the point is I was readin’ ’bout it, ’n’ somethin’ Wikipedia told me is that it’s got “gatcha game mechanics”.
Well! I needed to click through to see what THAT meant!! So I did, ’n’ as far as I can tell “gatcha” basically means when ya spend some money to buy a thing that has a random item in it ... kinda like those li’l capsule machines ya sometimes see in malls ’n’ stuff:
This whole “open a package that’s got random stuff in it” mechanic is more commonly known by English-speakin’ gamers as a prize crate, card pack, or what two-word phrase that’s what I personally tend to hear used most often?
Just to pin this answer down really definitely, I’ll give ya the extra hint that the first word a’ this phrase comes from the Sanskrit word for “booty”.
Trivia 2
While we’re on the topic a’ words from Sanskrit, maybe lemme ask ya what word (from the Hindi for “lord of the world”) originally appeared in English in the 17th century to refer to a huge wagon bearing an image of the god Krishna? Comics fan might recognize this word as the villainous alias a’ one Cain Marko.
OK then