Skeleton Trivia for Monday, 2025-02-10
Don’t read this if you don’t want to know who won the Super Bowl!!!
Hiya Skeleton Crew,
I’ve heard a’ some folks who try ’n’ avoid learnin’ who won the Super Bowl for as long as possible. As, like, a kinda contest against modern technology, I guess? I dunno!!
Well, if that describes you ... then what are ya doin’ readin’ a trivia newsletter??? C’mon, youse guys! We’re all ABOUT knowin’ random stuff! That’s the whole point a’ this!!!!!!
Answers to Last Time
The most popular dairy cow in the world’s the Holstein Friesian.
Mr. Prince Karim Al-Husseini was the fourth Aga Khan ’til he died last week, when the title transferred to his son Mr. Prince Rahim al-Hussaini.
Today’s Trivias
Trivia 1
The Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl this year, spoiler alert! Congrats to those guys!
My personal arbitrary sports-rootin’ rule is I always root for the team that’s named after an animal. So yesterday was a good day for me!
A’ course, sometimes NEITHER team is named after an animal. Like last year, when the Kansas City Chiefs played what team in Super Bowl LVIII? Fun fact, next year’s Big Game is gonna be held at this team’s home turf, Levi’s Stadium.
Trivia 2
Sometimes ya get a Super Bowl where BOTH teams are named after animals, which also puts me in a bit of a pickle. The most recent time that happened was Super Bowl LVI, when the Rams played the Bengals. In that case, I just kinda went with my sternum, which was to root for the Bengals—which I guess was the wrong choice, oh well!!
What book (plus also its 2012 movie adaptation) features a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker as one a’ its main characters?
OK then